How To Do At-Home Grey Hair Root Touch-Ups

Regular grey hair root touch-ups don’t have to cost a fortune (we swear!). Make the switch and do your dye job at home, but read these expert tips from a hairstylist for a smooth transition. Once you start experimenting with hair colour, it’s easy to fall head over heels for a shade. But something that’s not so lovely? Regular salon visits to maintain your beloved hue. It can be expensive, and it really starts to add up when you throw in monthly root touch-ups to hide any pesky grey hairs that pop up. If you’re short on hair colour ideas and want to explore some ways to maintain your hair colour root touch-ups at-home—look no further. We asked Toronto-based hairstylist Kirsten Klontz to share some tips on how to do root retouching at home that is focused on camouflaging the grey. No matter what hair dye you use or what your hair texture is, read on for the down-low on at-home grey hair root touch-ups.
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